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10 Ways To Save On Gasoline On Your Daily Commute

Publish Date: 17 Aug 2021

Money Tips

10 Ways To Save On Gasoline On Your Daily Commute

Tips Regarding How To Save Gasoline On Your Commute!

With the recent increase in gasoline prices, we must make every effort to save on gasoline so that it does not negatively impact your budget. Accordingly, we have gathered some ideas that will help you limit your gasoline consumption.


1-   Keep an eye on the temperature of your vehicle’s engine at all times, as neglecting it increases gasoline consumption by 10%.


2-   Regularly conduct oil changes and never miss an appointment to do so because disregarding this increases gasoline consumption by 10%.


3-   Always make sure that your car tires are fully inflated as under-inflated car tires will consume 70% more gasoline. Moreover, if the car needs angle adjustments, it will consume 10% more gasoline.


4-   Avoid unwanted surprises during your drives, i.e., when increasing or decreasing the car's speed, do so gradually, as when the gas pedal or the brakes are suddenly rigid for any reason, this increases gasoline consumption by 20%.


5-   Consider carpooling with friends, particularly if you are heading to the same or nearby locations. That way, it will give you a break from driving, reducing congestion and gasoline consumption.


 Always make sure that your car tires are fully inflated as under-inflated car tires will consume 70% more gasoline


6-   Turn off your car’s engine during traffic lights if you feel that it will be a prolonged stop. Restarting the motor does not require much gasoline, unlike neutral mode, which consumes more gasoline.


7-   In the city, turning on the air conditioning consumes 20% more gasoline; however, it consumes only 3% on highways, so avoid trips in times of extreme heat!


8-   Park in the shade so that you don't need to turn on the air conditioning as soon as you enter your vehicle; by doing this, your gasoline consumption will decrease.


9-   Check the GPS before any trip to find the fastest and shortest route to your desired location to avoid unnecessary gas consumption. 


10- When travelling with others, arrange your travel times together and drive behind each other on the highway to avoid air resistance and burning excessive gasoline.

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